Telephone: 011 788 3613/011 442 6614 | Email address: sales@braesidebutchery.co.za |
Home Made Bacon
to cure for at least two weeks in only natural ingredients like
coarse salt and fresh rosemary, our bacon is the ideal start to
a decadent weekend. It is completely allergen free and contains
no salt peter. The flavour bursts into your mouth! Our home made
bacon, leaves your taste buds buzzing from wholesome goodness.
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We are about supplying
good and healthy meat to all our customers.
Always staying honest
and making sure that all our customer culinary needs are met.
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Contact us
Telephone: 011 788 3613/011 442 6614
| Email address: sales@braesidebutchery.co.za
Physical Address: 4th Avenue, 10th Street, Parkhurst