Being a butcher is a dying trade as few people chose to enter the trade. With the advent of large food production came the need for large scale food processing and the rapid rise of convenience shopping in retail stores. While this all seemed like a great way forward the consequences have been devastating. From the ever increasing loss of small family farms to the rise of monoculture (and the loss of variety of veggies and fruit in our diets) the ultimate result has actually been a huge loss to consumers, the very people this new way of supplying food was supposed to benefit.
At BRAESIDE MEAT MARKET we remain one of the few artisan butcheries where you are guaranteed service from extremely qualified butchers using meat from small family farms. We are not and will never be a food retailer because let's face it, butchery work requires skill no general retailer can offer. In fact by being just another shop where meat is presented on trays or vacuum bags without giving you, the consumer, choices on how you want your meat, means that you are simply just another version of exactly what is wrong with the so called "modern food world".
So to celebrate our butchers this month we will be running CRAZY low specials on butcher specialist cuts - American-style flat ribs (perfect for the braai or oven) at R55/kg, rolled beef rib at R70/kg and lamb paupiette at R125/kg. Offer ends 31 March 2015 so phone and order some NOW!
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Our philosophy is "Know Thy Butcher" and so this month we would like you to meet Rhina. She has been with Braeside for the last 16 years as a specialist on trimming meat.
Rhina's favourite cut of meat sirloin steak cut nice and thick, cooked medium rare on a smoking braai!
Rhina and her husband celebrate special occasions by him cooking her favourite meal.
On her days off, you can find Rhina watching movies of her favourite genre romantic comedy.
She is a mother to 2 sons - Grayson is 19 and Clayton is 22 - which we never can believe of this energetic and wonderful member of our butcher's brigade.
Easter is coming and we all love to cook lamb. We thought we would remind our valued customers of why we are so proud to be a stockist of Certified Karoo Lamb. Many places claim to sell Karoo lamb but cannot provide the hallmarks of genuine Karoo lamb. So if in doubt ask to see :
1. A roller mark on the meat that says "KMOO" - Karoo Meat of Origin;
2. A tag from the leg of the lamb with a unique tracing number which, using the KMOO website, will show you the farmer of that particular lamb; and
3. Registration of the establishment and as listed on the KMOO website.
To celebrate lamb the Easter season we will be selling 1/2 lambs cut up for the crazy low price of R85/kg. Offer ends 1 April 2015 and subject to stock.
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I said so, so it must be, right? WRONG! Its easy to fall for this type of marketing of goods, especially when business names include "green" labels and/or are fronted by personable people. As people we want to believe that our fellow citizens are looking out for our best. After all large corporations have eroded our trust and we want better alternatives, especially with stuff as important as our food.
When I started selling free range and grass fed meat 8 years ago I struggled to find an affordable and legitimate organisation to independently audit my farmers and abattoirs. I publicly told the world what was happening and spent loads of time and money taking people to see for themselves why these farmers can be called free range and grass fed meat farmers. Luckily those days are over. Affordable and extremely competent auditing is available to everyone making bold statements about the meat they sell thanks to SA Meat Industry Company (SAMIC). They use very stringent criteria when auditing our farmers and abattoirs so you have peace of mind that when we say FREE RANGE & GRASS FED its what it really is and not just because Caroline said so!
Our philosophy is "Know Thy Butcher" and we would like to introduce you to our latest butcher, Bert. Many may recognise him from his successful 25 years at Bert's Butchery in Darrenwood. Bert sold up a few years ago but his love for meat and passion to serve customers has brought him to us.
Bert heads up our BRYANSTON ORGANIC MARKET store and can be found selling our wonderful meat every Thursday and Saturday.
Bert's favourite cut of meat is butterfly leg of lamb with his secret marinade - if you see him at the market be sure to order one as they are super delicious!
Bert and his lovely wide are avid and talented cyclists who have cycled Italy and France extensively. Every year their vacation is to cycle 1 000km in Europe!
We know shopping everyday is simply not practical. Did you know though that as long as your meat is freshly vacuum packed and at the back of your fridge, it won't go off during a 4 hour blackout? At Braeside Meat Market we vacuum pack all our meat to give you longer shelf life.
"BEAT THE BLACKOUT" WEEKLY MEAT BOX - Available for all online orders 2 packs of wors, 1 pack each of mince, steaks, chops, 1 whole chicken and a tray of 24 eggs for only R550! All items are vacuum packed so that even with load shedding and as long as they are kept in the back of your fridge, they will last! Simply email your order to & collect at Braeside!
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So we all know what free range, grass fed, organic, ethically raised, pasture reared means right? Well we would if there weren’t so many retailers trying to secure “premium” prices from us, the conscious consumer, by throwing about these labels without being held accountable. Here is a brief breakdown of what you need to know:
FREE RANGE - should mean the unrestricted movement of an animal but doesn’t guarantee what the animal has eaten nor that it is free of routine antibiotics and ionophones, growth stimulants or other chemicals added.
ORGANIC - should refer to the feed that an animal is given and can include grains like mielies and soya if they are shown to be organic, but it doesn’t guarantee any level of humane animal practices like allowing an animal unrestricted movement. Also as our consumers know, grains in cattle and sheep are bad and strip the resultant meat of the health benefits of grass fed cattle - like elevated essential fatty acids.
ETHICALLY RAISED or HUMANELY REARED - means that there should have been certain basic “rights” afforded to the animal such as access to clean water and sufficient food, humane practices like no farrow stalls used to restrict movement. However this does guarantee that an animal was indeed free range or what diet is was raised on. It also doesn’t speak to the antibiotic or other medicinal practices followed.
PASTURE RAISED - should mean animals have been raised on land covered with grass and other low lying plants, where they eat food provided by nature. However it does not guarantee unrestricted movement of an animal or speak to the medicinal practices followed.
GRASS FED - should be used for ruminants (cattle, sheep, goats, game) and should mean that they have eaten grasses. It does not automatically describe unrestricted movement nor the medicinal regime used.
FREE OF ANTIBIOTICS, IONOPHONES & GROWTH STIMULANTS - should mean what it says, which free range and grass fed ruminants usually are.
Our last note of caution is that it is easy to put up glossy, pretty pictures of farms near a shop selling meat and say that the meat comes from a farm, or even worse “a family farm”. This means nothing! Some feedlots, like Chalmar Beef and Karan Beef, are strictly speaking “family farms”.
So when next you come into Braeside be assured we will proudly let you KNOW THY FARMER of our independently certified free range and grass fed meat - which is indeed free of routine antibiotics, growth stimulants and ionophones and which comes from animals who have been ethically and humanely raised!
To celebrate our farmers we are offering this month CLOETE AFRIKANER rump steaks at R105 / kg, CERTIFIED KAROO braai shoulder chops at R98-00 per kilogram and MATT’S CHICKENS at R51-00 / kg. Specials end 19 September 2014!
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Do you know your butcher? Mike is our newest employee serving you on the weekends who always wear that fashionable cap. So here are a few facts about Mike you may not know:
Mike found his way to Braeside through a wonderful NGO, The Character Company - which seeks to uplift young men being raised in women and child headed households in underprivileged areas.
Mike’s first introduction to Braeside was to sell boerewors rolls one Saturday outside the shop but spent most of his time inside asking our team a million questions about cutting meat.
He comes from Cosmo City and is a very proud Jozi man who is passionate about music and popular culture and decent boerewors.
Mike’s dream is to be fully qualified butcher with his own Braeside shop one day!
We have another action packed month ahead in September!
TASTE OF JOBURG - This annual event held at Monte Casino will delight food lovers. It showcases restaurants from Jozi and you have the chance of sampling dishes from their menus. This year we have been running live demonstrations on how to cut, prepare and cook meat using Robertson’s Spices and Big Green Egg. Entrance is free to these dems once you have paid to enter the Show. We are also serving up our legendary slow braised pulled short rib with banting friendly sides at Braeside Pop Up Grill! So pop in between the 25th and 28th September 2014 at Monte.
LAUNCH OF BIG GREEN EGG-CADAMY - These hands on cooking lessons will be hosted at Miele in Bryanston and are being run by renowned chef Arnold Tanzer. He will show you how the Big Green Egg can cook, roast, smoke and grill everything from pizzas to your perfect steak! There are only 20 spaces available and costs R500 a head, which includes all wine on the day as well as a host of other interesting giveaways. Because we are the exclusive meat partner for this event, you are able to book early before this event is officially launched next week so book early to avoid disappointment!
Other events to look out for .... FESTIVAL OF BEER taking place at Pirates at the end of the month as well as TRIBE 1 MUSIC & FOOD CONCERT taking place at Cullinan over the weekend at month’s end!
South Africans are proud of a few things - sports, beer and Karoo lamb! The interesting thing though is whilst we can all name at least 2 Springbok rugby players, few of us know that not all lamb in SA comes from the Karoo.
Professor Johan Kirsten spent years investigating what makes Karoo lamb so unique in flavour and texture. He discovered along the way that there are 6 specific bushes that make Karoo so unique. When sheep have roamed freely and eaten on at least 2 of these bushes then they develop that lovely herbaceous flavour we all know as Karoo lamb. Every farmer who claims to be producing Karoo lamb is therefore inspected by independent auditors to ensure that at least 2 of these bushes are present on more than 60% of the farm where sheep are grazing in a free range system, and these bushes are: silverkaroo, skaapbossie, kapokbossie, rivierganna, ankerkaro and perdebos.
Karoo lamb has been registered as a trademark worldwide and to ensure you are getting the best lamb from the Karoo look out for their unique “MOOK” roller mark and large square “Certified Karoo” stamp on all meat. To celebrate our partnership with Certified Karoo Lamb we are offering until 19 July: 1/2 lambs cut up for you at R900 and full lambs at R1 400.
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Do you know your butcher? Stella is the lady everyone watches debone our chickens in record time and here are a few facts you may not have known about here:
Stella started out as a cleaner in Yoland’s restaurant in Parkhurst over 20 years ago and when Yoland bought Braeside, Stella moved with her. Since then she has become the most proficient chicken butcher in Braeside, deboning whole chickens in under 2 minutes.
Stella loves to make her own biltong at home using nothing more than salt, pepper and coriander she lets our free range grass fed beef be the show of her biltong. She is our olderst member of staff with the longest service and has a granddaughter as well as a loving son she spends her weekends with.
Stella is a devout Christian and when Caroline changed to free range, she was truly happy as this was how her family farmed when she grew up.
We have another action packed month ahead to keep the chills at bay. Spaces are limited at our events so book early or be disappointed!
PALEO COOKING SERIES - PART 2 Our next episode in cooking without gluten, grains or sugar on 12 July 2014, 09h00 till 13h00 at Miele in Bryanston. Hands-on workshop where you learnt how to cook lunches - from entertaining to kids lunch boxes. Hosted by Chef Kerry, you will receive part 2 of our cookbook with all the recipes, and a few others to keep you on your path of wellness. We have a lovely gift hamper to take away and make your first lunch. Cost is R360pp including all ingredients and gift hamper. Only 12 spaces left so email us to book your space.
VENISON BLIND TASTING & 3 COURSE DINNER - Which is really the best venison to eat? Come and blind taste 3 different types of game meat - rating which is your favourite in taste and texture. You will meet our professional hunter as well as a game farmer who is protecting the genetics of our wildlife for generations to come. Chef Kerry will tantalise your taste buds with a 3 course venison meal (Banting of course). Wed 30 July. Cost is only R330 per person and we have 35 spaces so contact us to book your spot. There will be a cash bar on the evening.
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So you are a proud, meat loving South African and you are concerned about eating lean meat? Then you obviously eat venison right? We find that whilst many people say that they do, the truth is when pressed to recall the last time that they ate venison, they couldn’t recall it in the preceding year.
Here is a little insight into venison meat in South Africa. There is currently no law that allows venison meat to be sold unless the animal has been slaughtered at an abattoir. Now this is an absolute impossibility as you cannot round-up and transport game like cattle or sheep. The game that we sell at Braeside Meat Market has been specifically culled by a select group of professional hunters who practice ethical hunting practices.
Ethical hunting means that these hunters only take a shot at an animal if it is a guaranteed “kill shot”. They also never cull young or pregnant game. Finally they never cull at night using stun lights or ride on the back of vehicles to chase game.
Hunting season is open and people are off shooting game. We Braeside Meat Market ensures the carcasses from our select professional hunters have been aged before we cut premium steaks and make our renowned venison wors.
In celebration of hunting season being under way we've put venison steaks on special at R150/kg and venison wors at R55/kg until the end of June 2014.
We know many of you have had the pleasure of master butcher, Sydwell serving you in our shop. Here are a few facts about our much loved butcher you may not have known. Sydwell started out as shop steward on a mine but gave it all up to pursue his dream of becoming a butcher after a particularly long and violent strike at the mine.
Before Braeside, his talents as a skilled meat artist were never developed. He was expected to cut everything on a bandsaw without thought or care. His favourite part of his job is working with Caroline to come up with new ways of hand trimming the best muscles out of grass fed meat.
Sydwell’s favourite cuts are a CHUCK for the braai and SHORT RIB cut into squares for slow braising. Passionate father to 2 active boys, his favourite pastime is playing soccer with his sons.
Beat off the winter blues, come and join us on the Paleo journey and to explore venison as a premium protein option.
We are launching our first ever cooking series - “Eating like a Caveman: How to get cooking without wheat, gluten or sugar. Watch out for our emails as we send out invitations next week for the first in the series. Spaces are limited to 20 and this is a hands on Saturday workshop, so be quick to book or be disappointed!
Ever wondered which venison meat is best? Springbok, impala, gemsbok? Well wonder no more as we host a very special blind-tasting of 3 different venisons followed by a truly South African 3 course venison menu (paleo friendly of course). Watch out for the invites as only 40 spaces available for this truly unique eating experience.
On 1 May 2002 Caroline McCann bought Braeside Meat Market from her aunt and by September 2007 she boldly took the decision to stock only certified free range and grass fed meat. Since then Caroline has striven to build up relationships with farmers who are raising animals as they should, displaying that same affection even through to culling.
In 2012 Caroline introduced products specifically required by people following specialized diets like Banting, Paleo, GAPS as well as less specific diets. We source items like organic coconut products, almond milk, honey, tallow and a range of other products designed for wellness from food. We also have an extensive range of allergen free meat products like biltong, dry wors, sausages, bacon and hamburgers all made with herbs, spices and meat only.
Our basic philosophy is that if our farmers have used the ultimate care in raising their animals then the least we can do is show the same respect in how we cut and prepare your favourite cuts.
In celebration of turning 12 years young we have on special from 2 - 15 May 2002 dry aged rump steaks at only R90 per kilogram and biltong at R170 per kilogram. To qualify for these special prices LIKE us on Facebook or pop in and quote “Happy Birthday Braeside”. During May 2014 anyone who posts a picture to our Facebook page of meals made using our delicious meat stands a chance to win a meat hamper worth R550. The winner for this draw will take place at the end of May 2014.
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Do you know your butcher? We know many of you have had the pleasure of master butcher Daniel serving you in our shop, but here are a few facts about our much-loved butcher you may not have known. Daniel trained to be a butcher in 1998 and passed his trade exams as well as his international trade exams with flying colours. Daniel’s favourite cut of meat is a RUMP for the braai and CHUCK for roasting.
Passionate father to 2 lovely kids and dedicated husband to his wife, Daniel’s favourite past time is watching movies.
Before joining Braeside, Daniel was never given insight into the “alternative meat market” of small farmers supplying directly to butchers. He loves how we set up relationships, so he can assure customers of how the animals were raised and who raised them.
Wondering what to do as winter creeps in? Come join Braeside Grill at these fabulous events where we'll be serving up our famous biltong, dry wors and sample some of our meat products.
DStv Delicious Festival features a blistering line-up of local and Intl. music acts to provide the aural backdrop for a lazy, languid Saturday afternoon of family and foodie-friendly fun and good vibes.
In addition to shopping for gourmet goodies at the artisan food market, visitors can dine in style at one of the pop-up restaurants manned by South African and overseas celebrity chefs, who''ll be whipping up their signature dishes on site.
31 May – DStv Delicious Festival
31 May, 1 June - Casalinga Market
31 May, 1 June - Taste of Tshwane
So for our regular customers and followers this won’t come as a shock when we tell you that there are over 17 different companies trying to get independent inspections and certifications for what they claim is “free range” or “grass fed” meat. Its become the latest “big thing” in the food market and with so many people becoming aware of what they eat, there are many companies trying to exploit this market. We are often asked questions about our independent certification for our grass fed and free range meat. As market leaders in grass fed free range meat for the last 8 years, we want to share what our farmers do.
Our farmers raise animals that they love - yes love! They want them to engage in natural and normal behaviour - like cows that roam fields of indigenous grass, chickens that get to have sand baths and eat bugs. Because of this affection, our farmers also make sure that the animals eat a diet which they naturally should, from birth to end. So cows eat indigenous grass and unlike so many we have seen, they are not “finished off” on grain in confined spaces - which would make them grain fed. In case that is not enough proof, our farmers only use abattoirs which meet our high criteria of humane slaughter methods and exceptional hygiene standards.
So when you next see “grass fed” or “free range” don’t take for granted that all butchers comply with our internationally aligned definitions. Ask and have answered. Remember the power is in your hands to make a difference in supporting farmers who are doing it as nature intended.
Anyone who has been into our store knows we are a proud supporter of Slow Food International. An organisation started in the 1980’s in response to the quick uptake of fast food in Italy. Slow Food has 150 countries which are active members and proponents of all that Slow Food stands for - “Know where your food comes from”.
At its University of Gastronomic one can study at the campus in Pollenzo, Italy, a multidisciplinary model that combines humanities and sciences with sensory training and first-hand experience of artisanal and industrial food production, with study trips around the world.
In addition it offers protection and promotion status to foods from around the world that are in threat of vanishing forever through its Presidia and Ark of Taste programmes.
On Tuesday 8 April 2014 we were proudly awarded Slow Food Hero 2013/2014 for the work we have done in promoting and marketing grass fed meat in SA.
We are honoured and feel challenged to keep being the market leader in independently certified grass fed and free range meat. In honour of our award we are discounting our free range grass fed prime rib steaks. Pop in and eat well!
EASTER SPECIAL - Lamb Shoulder On the Bone only R120/kg.
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This has been the ongoing question we have been asked in the last few months, so we thought we need to share the rather complex answer. Many of you know the Frankenstein looking “individually quick frozen” pieces of chicken that come in those cheap 2kg packets.
These are not genetically modified chickens but rather the overuse of “brine” (phosphate mixed with water). By law, our chicken producers are allowed to dilute a salty solution and inject it into chickens up to a maximum of 30% of the original weight of the chicken. The argument for brining is that is allows for “enhanced flavours”, increases tenderness of the meat and assists with the quick freezing process. Don’t be fooled into thinking brining is only done to those frozen pieces though. It is widely used even in the “fresh chicken” market. Most retailers who serve cooked chickens use brining solutions to bring in that extra flavour and moistness which, they say, customers demand.
So if its law it can’t be bad for us, right? Wrong! It hurts not only your pocket but also may trigger health problems too. We did a simple test of buying 2kgs of IQF chicken pieces, defrosted them and then cooked them off. The results of the actual weight of the cooked meat to what we paid made Braeside’s Free Range chickens a bargain! The loss in defrosting and then cooking was over 50%! In addition the phosphate made the meat taste salty and unnaturally mushy. There is a quickly growing number of people who are sensitive and allergic to phosphate. The problem is that they do not know it as the symptoms present the same as food poisoning, so largely goes undiagnosed.
The local chicken industry has worked hard to protect itself from the cheap chicken imported into SA from places like Brazil and China. An increased tariff saw imported chickens, which are cheaper than local chicken, have price increases of up to 20% in the last few months. The hue and cry from many quarters was that many of the chicken lines imported into our country were not brined, and as such seen as superior. Under pressure from consumers and sectarian interests, the government has amended its legislation and from 1 January 2015 chicken “brining” must not exceed 15%.
Rest assured that at Braeside we have not, and will never, brine our free range chickens or chicken products. Our free range chickens are treated with the same respect from hatching to serving. Pop in and see why so many people will not eat anything but Braeside’s Free Range chicken.
Unfortunately our pockets are under attack and it seems that every time we slip our hands into our pockets we have to fight off other hands already pulling out the notes - etolls, rapidly increasing meat prices due to the severe droughts we have experienced, the weakening rand and rising interest rate.. the list goes on. So at Braeside we have compiled 3 easy tips to make that rand go further -
1. Start your own veggie garden - Not sure how to do this? Simply go to
where our food hero Jane Griffiths gives you very easy steps to planting,
growing and harvesting a feast without attacking your pocket
2. Buy those “unsexy” cuts of meat like beef brisket, lamb neck and pork shoulder which cost far less - These cuts always are tastier and with a little patience in slow cooking render the best meals. Why not try our delicious certified grass fed free range beef brisket rubbed with our secret pastrami rub which, once slow roasted at 140C for 4 hours, simply melts in your mouth?
3. Host a “potluck” dinner with your friends - Eating out is fast becoming an expensive luxury but there is no need to stop socialising. Why not throw a potluck themed dinner in your garden? Invite each couple or family to cook one dish and bring it along. Some of the themes our regular customers have used lately are - Mediterranean, nose to tail dishes, favourite MasterChef dish, meals that start with the letter “K”... The possibilities are endless! You get to have a variety of interesting meals with special people which makes eating in much more fun.
Our next meat appreciation dinner is being held at our valued kitchen appliance partner, Miele, in Peter Place.
Chickens are the most well known example of factory farming turned ugly. At this meal we will give you 3 chickens to blind taste - the IQF chicken, a well known fresh chicken and Braeside Free Range Chicken. We will share with you insights into chicken production in SA and help you to experience first hand what chicken truly costs you, the consumer. We will also show you a demonstration on how to cut up a chicken like a pro and give tips of making the most of your chicken (even the gizzards, heads, feet and bones).
Then its onto our first chef’s challenge of the year. We have 2 high profile chefs who will be competing to prove that they are NOT chicken. They will each be serving up starters, mains and dessert where each course must include Braeside’s chicken and/or free range eggs. Come choose the winning chef and stand a chance to win in our lucky draw!
40 seat only. To confirm, please email and make payment.
DATE: 5 March 2014
TIME: 19h00 - 22h30
VENUE: Miele Kitchen, Bryanston
COST: R260/pp (inc. free glass of wine)
DRINKS: There will be a cash bar
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With the growth of supermarkets and online shopping, everything today has become designed around convenience. We can shop for food online at 02h00 in the morning and have it delivered within 48 hours. We can park at a petrol station and pop in to a 24 hour "mini supermarket" and buy food. The problem with convenience is that as a consumer, you are robbed of the experience of interacting with food specialists. When the meat scandals broke out and people asked, "how could this happen?" the answer was not lack of government controls but rather the uncomfortable truth that, as consumers, we have distanced ourselves from what we eat. We have done this by allowing big business to grow our food, sell our food and even deliver our food to our front door.
We are often told by our customers that they love coming in to our shop because they get to speak to a knowledgeable person, even if it means a delay in being served whilst the customers in front discuss and choose their meat. Going into a butchery instead of shopping online or walking the supermarket aisles, means that you can ask crucial questions about the meat you are about to eat, such as -
- "What breed of cow / lamb / pig / venison is this meat from?"
- "How was this animal raised - free range, grass fed, feedlot, organically, free of hormones and antibiotics?"
- "How long was this meat aged before it was cut and/or packaged?"
- "What is the best cut for this particular dish that I a making?"
At Braeside we interact with our customers so that we can answer these questions and cut meat as you want it. Pop in and try out certified free range, grass fed meat - free of growth hormones and routine antibiotics!
Prof Tim Noakes caused an uproar in SA when a few years ago he announced he was wrong - carbo loading was not only a bad idea but was the cause of modern health problems like obesity and diabetes. Since then we have seen an ever-growing number of people buying grass fed, free range meat as part of their paleo diet regime, as endorsed by Prof Noakes.
So what is this diet? Basically its "eating like a caveman" - high quality fatty meat, veggies and no grains in any forms (wheat, corn, sugar, etc.) The science behind all this radical thinking is that its not fat that causes humans to be fat, but rather our insistence that we somehow able to digest grains as chickens do.
At Braeside we stock all you may need to launch the new you if you have chosen a paleo diet - tallow, butter and cream from grass fed animals and coconut galore!
We are happy to announce that, due to demand, we will be holding our
monthly meat appreciation dinners once more.
Our first dinner of the year will allow diners the chance to sample grass fed meat and feedlot meat in a blind tasting. Diners will be able to rate their favourite meat and at the end of the evening we will announce which was the favourite meat. Caroline, owner of Braeside Meat Market, will give a brief overview of Braeside’s certified free range, grass fed meat as well as tips on how to buy the best beef. Then its onto dinner with chef Kerry Gibson - or "Chef Organic" as we know him. Kerry is serving up a feast of a meal using strict paleo recipes (although we will be pairing a free glass of wine with your dinner). Details are -
Date: 29 January 2014
Time: 19h00
Address: Miele Kitchen, Peter Place, Bryanston
Cost: R230 a head (including a free glass of wine paired with your meal)
Event is limited to 30 people so book and pay before its sold out! Call now on 011 788 3613 or email to confirm your booking.
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Braeside is privileged to have worked with some of the most talented and passionate chefs in Jozi this year. When asked where committed ethical foodies can eat out, we never hesitate to recommend several places. These are our top chefs and restaurants, whose commitment to "clean and green" food is undisputed and who also happen to turn out delicious cuisine.
BEEF - Chef Hanroe Erasmus at March Restaurant. This chef is self-taught but having being raised on the farm, truly gets the importance of properly grown products.
PORK - Chef James Diack from Coobs. This chef uses as much as he can from his mother's farm in Magaliesburg and the rest he insists on getting from suppliers who can verify their sources, like Braeside Meat Market.
LAMB - Chef Matthew from Canteen at Arts on Main makes some of the tastiest lamb chops in Joburg (as well as serving exceptional other dishes). Canteen is situated in Maboneng Precinct and makes for a wonderful trip into this buzzing part of our city.
CHICKEN - Toss up between Eatery in Parkmore and Cafe Zing (Sandton and Menlyn). Both of these establishments are run by foodies who turn out some of the finest food in our city.A big thank you to all our customers for their ongoing support throughout 2013. We wish all, whether restaurateur or foodie, a blessed and safe Christmas.... And most importantly EAT WELL!
One of the biggest food trends of 2013 is the rise of online shopping. In Europe and the US, this trend started a while back. Many thought South Africans would buck the trend - but with the ever-increasing demands on our time and our pockets, online shopping from reputable food sources has truly taken off this year.
We are very proud to be associated with several. However, our pick of
the year has got to be Timothy & Clover. Run by Bevan and Thandi,
this company's commitment to find and deliver to homes the produce that
us city dwellers find so hard to come by, is astounding. Bevan and Thandi
are the perfect example of modern Jozi city dwellers. They are raising
a family with full thought to what is best for our bodies, our environment
and our local farmers. You can follow them on Facebook or Twitter and
order online for fresh deliveries to your door!
Another major food trend this year has seen the rise of food markets
and food trucks. Suddenly we aren't left salivating over our TV screens
at food genres like Spanish or authentic Mexican. By popping down to markets
and following food trucks we are able to sample some amazingly good food.
Our picks of the year are Tutto Food Truck serving those delicious paellas
and Arnold Tanzer's Mexican street food served at Taste of Joburg 2013.
Catch Tutto Food Co on weekends at some of your favourite food markets!
To all our valued customers. The festive season is almost
upon us and we have our usual range of delicious Thanksgiving and Christmas
meats for you this year. If you are looking for something more exotic,
give us a call and we'll see what we can do. Please note we are closed
24, 25, 26, 31 Dec and 1, 2 Jan.
95 Turduckens with choice of 2 delicious stuffings, R105/kg
50 Cornish Hens, R65/kg
Lamb Prime Rib, R155/kg
200 Gammons, nitrate-free. Raw, R87/kg. Cooked & glazed R99/kg (to
Beef Wellington, R210/kg (to order)
Big Turkeys (call for price)
Suckling Pigs (to order - call for price)
Corned Beef, R95/kg
Pickled Tongue, R75/kg
Call in your orders 011 788 3613. Or email
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Willie and their Dad are based near Jan Kemp Dorp where they farm beautiful
Afrikaner cattle. This breed is indigenous to SA and were the first cattle
Jan van Rieebeeck encountered when he landed in the Cape. Generally this
breed is rejected by feedlots as they grow too big, too quickly. However
they are some of the finest beef cattle in the world.
The family has farmed holistically for many years. They believe that cattle
welfare is as important as soil and environmental welfare. Adriaan Cloete
sits with Caroline McCann as one of 6 people about to launch Grass Fed
SA – an organization to actively promote grass fed and free range
meat in SA. We are very proud to now be a supplier of Cloete premium beef.
The FoodWineDesign Fair was launched in 2010 by Artlogic and Sanlam Investment Management. The first of its kind in South Africa, this boutique outdoor market features the best local furniture crafters, artisan products, top wine labels, micro breweries and speciality foods.
The Fair caters to the crossover interests of a discerning lifestyle: eating the best local foods, tasting boutique wines and decorating one’s home with the works of South African designers and artists.
Braeside will be cooking up a storm and preparing delicious food with our premium, free range meats. There will also be artisan beer at our stall, courtesy of our friends at Cockpit Brewhouse.
There some debate and questions from customers regarding the KMOO certification.
For example, “Doesn’t all our lamb come from the Karoo, so
what’s so special about Karoo Meat of Origin certification? We’d
like to clear up any misconceptions, as it's Braeside policy
to only stock meat that meets our criteria for free range, grass fed and
hormone free meat. Certified Karoo Lambs are independently audited to
ensure that all lambs that bear their mark has come from farmers in the
Karoo whose sheep roam their lands eating specific indigenous grasses
and bushes. This month we are running specials on half lambs. Come in
and chat to our butchers for the best discount!
Breaside Grill Popping Up Everywhere The Braeside Grill team has been
very busy. In the last month we have featured at Taste of Joburg Expo
at Montecasino, the Delicious Festival, Bishop Bavin Summerfest and the
Parkhurst Village Fair. This weekend we’ll be ‘popping’ up at the Waterfall
Estate Picnic with our friends, Cockpit Brewhouse, who makes great artisan
beer. Event goers are loving our kobe sliders and free
range grass fed biltong. Watch out for the latest surprise offerings coming
to Sanlam Good Food, Wine and Design Show at Hyde Park from 7 to 10 November
2013… Or book us for your next function.
Remember how bacon used to be? It’s almost impossible to find now. We're sticking to tradition by making our bacon with salt, raw honey, herbs and love. As any aficionado knows not all bacon is bacon! To this end we do a “green” bacon and traditional smoked bacon. Want your bacon thick cut or shaved so its translucent? No problem! Our staff will cut and pack your bacon and other meat as you like. Remember all our products are minimally processed! We make sausages with all natural casings (gluten free) and seasoned with fresh ingredients and spices. Why not try our latest fynbos honey and stout sausage for your next braai?